Minimum is Maximum

Minimum is Maximum

We live in a very distracting world. As a creative, it is so ridiculously easy to come up with an excuse – any excuse, really – to avoid working on the project we know we are supposed to be working on. “A friend called and I had to take...
The Buddy System

The Buddy System

Writers tend to be loners. It is just a fallacy of the art. We draw away for long periods of time with only our own thoughts and imagination for company. It is totally normal to find us blinking madly in the brightness of daylight because we have spent too many hours...
Not Yet Perfect

Not Yet Perfect

I love a good journal. No matter where I go, you can find a journal on me – somewhere – usually in my purse but just as often in my hand. I have a serious addiction to buying them.  I keep an eye out for a good one every time I am out shopping. Like I...
Losing Laryngitis

Losing Laryngitis

Have you ever experienced laryngitis? How annoying is it when your voice just suddenly decides it doesn’t feel like working today? When laryngitis hits, no matter how hard you try to talk, your voice drops away to a whisper, and no one can hear what you’re trying to...