This Messaging Masterclass is a coaching intensive designed to take every genre of faith-based speaker to a more advanced level of connective communication. Together with Brandi Ginty – Creative Consultant, Communications Coach and Owner of Inkible, this coaching class will offer you the accountability and practice you need to make real progress as a communicator. With weekly assignments and opportunities to share your work with your coach (and others… *hint hint*), this Masterclass will provide the more advanced and interactive coaching, constructive feedback, and direction needed to help make your messaging and communication skills the most effective for reaching your audience:
Topics in this Masterclass will include:
- Developing as a Communicator
- Discovering Your Message Design
- Crafting Powerful Biblical Messages
- Determining the Needs of Your Audience
- Refining Vocal and Body Delivery
- Exploring Internal Feedback and Review
- Identifying External Feedback and Review
- Finding Resources for Continued Learning
This Masterclass will also include the following opportunities:
- One-on-One Teaching and Coaching with Brandi Ginty
- Access to Inkible’s Proven Resources for Communicators
* Inkible provides creative consultation and communications coaching for clients including (but not limited to) writing coaching, publishing consultation, literary project development, collegiate writing assistance, freelance editing, copy writing, development of message writing/ministry programming and public speaking/delivery. For more information on services or to request a consultation, visit
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